Spyware/Adware Information
Spyware/Adware Information
If you are still seeing regular popups with Ad Muncher loaded then it is likely that they are being opened by a spyware or adware package on your system. Other common effects of these programs include:
  • Your browser startup page is changed to a site that you didn't choose.
  • Your browser has new toolbars or options that you did not install.
  • You experience frequent program faults or blue-screen crashes.
  • Your computer is noticeably slower than normal.
Other effects of spyware/adware that may not be visible include:
  • Your personal information and browsing habits may be disclosed to other parties.
  • Your address book and other contact information on your system may be disclosed to other parties.
  • Your computer and internet connection may be used to send "spam" (unsolicited email) to other parties.
  • Your computer and internet connection may be used as a "relay", allowing other parties to conduct illegal activities (like using stolen credit cards, hacking, etc) that appear to originate from your computer.
Ad Muncher purposely does not stop popups from spyware (the windows will still appear, but may be blank). Obviously with the possible effects listed above it is very much preferable to remove the spyware/adware itself than to simply suppress the popups.

Removal Information

For spyware/adware detection and removal we recommend Spybot S&D.

Click here to get a copy of Spybot S&D.

Please note that we cannot provide support for this program; we have just found it to be the best solution to spyware and adware currently available.